Think slashing your event management costs means cutting corners? Not anymore. Discover how savvy non-profits turbocharge volunteer coordination and streamline communication, saving time and money, with a tool you’ve probably overlooked. To improve volunteer coordination and internal communication in non-profits…
Think about it: Employees these days aren’t chained to desks like they used to be; they’re buzzing around with smartphones and tablets. So, why not meet them where they are? That’s the whole idea behind mobile-first communication strategies for employee…
Getting your team fired up and genuinely involved is a piece of cake when you embrace a mobile-first strategy. And by “piece of cake,” I mean it still takes work—just a different kind. Mobile apps are where everyone seems to…
Building Bridges with Custom Apps Creating a custom app for your team isn’t just about ticking off a to-do list—it’s about crafting an engaging digital journey. Think of it as giving your team a virtual playground that mirrors your brand’s…
Mobile apps have become an essential component of any successful event. They provide a centralized location for all relevant information, improve communication between attendees and organizers, and offer a platform for engagement and networking. As conferences can be expensive to…
We’re gearing up to launch a whole set of new mobile app features and as we do, we felt a little housekeeping was in order first. Since our Rich Text page has more functionality than our Information and Invitation pages,…
Mobile phones have changed the way we communicate. Mostly, it’s been a great tool for communicating with family, friends, and coworkers. But every now and then, communication breaks down. This is especially true when people have different communication styles. When…
There are instances when you may want to host a virtual event or conference over an in-person event. It may be a part of your planned strategy, or because your offline function was affected and is at risk of being…
We hear all the time how much people love sharing photos and interacting with each other with Yapp. We also hear how critical Yapp is for communicating important updates to attendees. We’ve been thinking a lot about these two aspects…
Planning an event or annual conference is a lot of work, and building your mobile event app is only a small part of that. Often, people don’t think about building an event app until close to the actual date. As…