A Note From Our Founders: Yapp’s First Year

Yappy Birthday!

Dear Yapp Community,

A year ago today, on lucky November 13th, we took the covers off our beta, and waited with baited breath to see what would happen if we gave the world a free and easy to use tool to enhance their lives by creating mobile apps.   And wow, did you create.

We have been excited and humbled by the life events, business functions, teams, groups, classes, trips, and the many other ways you have found to make Yapp a part of your lives.  From birth announcement apps to in-memorium and everything in between, tens of thousands of apps have been published into YappBox and that number grows every day.  We’ve worked with organizations doing amazing work in the world and individuals doing spectacular things for their families and communities.

Our customer support line has been busy.  Some of you have called when things weren’t working.  We’ve tried our best to fix and improve the platform every day and commit to you to keep doing so.  Some of you called just to say how proud you were of your app creation.  We’re here to cheer you on.  Some, to just tell us their Yapp story or to give feedback on how we can improve – we so much appreciate those calls and emails.  With others, we’ve worked on a more customized basis – from custom themes and pages to white label apps – and have been proud of the work we’ve done to make the Yapp experience just right for you.

For our team, it’s been an amazing year of learning and growth.   We’ve shared that learning with interns, apprentices, and the tech and entrepreneurial communities we belong to.  As founders, we are blessed everyday to work with the smartest, most high integrity people we know.  Our team is committed to our mission of empowering people to better connect through mobile and works tirelessly to do so.

Over this past year, we’ve made sharing easier, introduced new page templates and themes, improved the app’s overall performance, made preview from the web possible for those that don’t have an iOS or Android device (yet), improved the usability of the editor and mobile apps and more.

While we are the mobile experts, you have taught us a great amount about needed features, usability improvements, and how your and your communities interact on mobile.  Armed with this learning, this next year will be filled with even more exciting features.

Happy 1st birthday Yapp – thank You for making great apps.

–Maria & Luke

Yappy Birthday Team

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