Designed by Jacqueline Barba and Katelyn Trela.
We’ve added new web functionality to make your Yapp experience even better. Now, you can preview your Yapp in full when you visit your URL on a desktop. When you click the preview button, you’ll be able to…
Happy Movember! For those of you sporty scrappy facial hair after this first week, we salute you. Our logo is going strong with his flowing ‘stache, and our CTO Luke is right alongside him. Before the month gets too hairy, we’re…
The morning routine — once defined by an alarm clock, a cup of joe, The Weather Channel and a newspaper — is now run by smartphone apps. Mashable and Statista published this graphic, showing that 84% of smartphone owners use…
Today’s “service announcement” by Google that businesses need mobile websites brought me back to 1996. Agencies were telling and selling companies they needed a web presence and the first self service platform, Geocities, launched. It was the dawn of the…