What the Tech?! Super App

Check Out Super — Super App


A new social network from Biz Stone, co-founder of Twitter, that has users respond to text prompts on top of images, then share with big audiences or small. Super’s app a mashup of many popular social apps, including Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat and Whisper.

Getting started is really simple; once you set up your username, you can start posting Supers. Users tap either a compose or a lightbulb button and are presented with a list of prompts — things like “We Should,” “I Love,” “Check Out,” etc. From there, you share your thoughts and move on to adding a photo. This part is fun — the app auto-searches your statement for keywords it can search. The app brings up photos that might fit what you’re looking for, or you can add your own or keep browsing their selection.

Stone created the app to be fun, he said, and that it is. You can search friends to follow, see what’s going on by prompt, or see what’s happening nearby. It’s a creative way to share photos that adds a bit of pop-art to the Instagram-square trend. Super easily integrates with your other sharing services, too, like Twitter, Tumblr and Instagram so that you can spread your creations across your social world.

Super is available now on the Google Play and iTunes stores for free.

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