5 Apps for Keeping Your New Year’s Resolutions

Whether your New Year’s resolution is to loose a couple of pounds, get your finances in order, or quit that bad habit once and for all — there’s an app out there to help keep you in line. Inspired by CNN’s upcoming list of the best apps for keeping your New Year’s resolutions (Yapp made the cut!) we wanted to share several we’ll be counting on come 2013.


Clear: Get organized and stay organized. This simple and intuitive app for list-keeping makes it easy to keep all your lists in one place. $0.99

My Net Diary: Quick and easy calorie counter that helps you keep track of your eating and exercises activities as well as set a weight loss goal for a specific date.

TED: View talks from some of the world’s most fascinating people. Download to your phone ahead of time and spend your daily commute learning something new.

Livestrong MyQuit Coach: Kick your smoking habit for good. This app creates a personalized plan to quit at your own pace. Motivational tips and progress charts keep you on track.

LearnVest: Set goals and master your cash flow with this brilliant personal finance app that links all your accounts to one main dashboard.

And, to catch CNN’s picks and our own “BUFF in 2013” App, tune in at 3:30 ET on 12/29

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