Celebrating Autism Awareness: ReacTickles Magic

April is Autism Awareness Month and we’re featuring an app each week that is loved by and influential in the Autism community. This week, take a look at ReacTickles Magic, an interactive software designed with children on the Autism Spectrum.

ReacTickles Magic


Designed for the iPad, ReacTickles Magic encourages interactive communication through touch, gesture and audio. The app’s creators worked with children and adults on the Autism spectrum to create the most meaningful experience.

As shown above, there are nine modes of input that a user can choose to interact with. Each different selection can be tapped and dragged to combine with others, creating different musical sounds, light patterns, and shapes. The app — which can also be used on Mac or PC — encourages relaxation for some and helps establish cause and effect relationships. Aside from tapping, those using the app can also use voice control commands to move through different categories — great for autism spectrum disorders that limit motor control.

Each “reactickle” is unique to the user and choices, making it a great app for group collaboration or to be played with every day. The game also has no set rules of play or ability to lose — it’s purely an interactive learning and relaxing experience.

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