What the Tech?! Google Inbox


Google Inbox, n;

A new email app from Google that integrates reminders, alerts, reservations, and other Google-based web functions into your inbox. Inbox is built off of Gmail, the widely-used free web email service from Google. 

Users log in with an @gmail.com address, and Google gathers information from your data, including emails from airlines or brands and apps like Open Table for dinner reservations. From there, it creates folders (like what it did with the special inboxes Promotion’s tab) so that all of your important information is in an easily-findable place. Inbox has enriched previews, so finding your attachments, event times, dates or locations, or flight status, among other things, is as simple as looking through a list of emails. In the app, users can also create to-do lists, pin important emails so that they’re the first thing you see, and ask emails to return to their inbox at a later time/date.

This hands-on from The Verge said it best: “…Your emails, your to-do lists, everything represents something you need to deal with. So why not put it all in one place?”

It’s a virtual hub for things going on, preventing you from missing a flight or showing up late to a reservation. It’s designed using the new Material Design look that Google will premiere with it’s new OS, Android Lollipop. Check out these tips from Gizmodo’s Field Guide to harnessing the power of the new app.

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