Yapp Spotlight: In 2010, a group of educators in Philadelphia came together to create the first Edcamp UNconference. The create-your-own schedule format took off, and Edcamp spread from state to province to nation. Teachers come together all across the…
On college campuses everywhere, students new and old are flooding the quads, lofting beds and cramming into dorms. Freshman aren’t the only newbies this fall — Yapp is going back to college as well. Take a look at these Week…
As the summer heat of August beats down, some of our Yappers are spending a week or two making their own beats. We’ve found a few band camps sharing their Yapps, and want to show them off to the world!…
Recently, a new user at WorldVentures created an app for a corporate training bootcamp. The app skyrocketed to the top of our most downloaded list, with more than 2,000 users. The awesomely simple app — which was shared on Twitter…
We’ve featured college campus apps on our blog before, but this time, we’re bringing you a crash course on awesome Yapps made by job seekers and college-centric orgs alike to get to networking. Are you in college? Looking for a…
Church isn’t just for Sundays any more. We found a bunch of users creating apps for their parishes, youth groups, mission trips and more. Their Yapps are helping connect the Sunday community all through the week with tons of different…
All of our Yapps are made with creativity and inspiration in mind. Some of our users have excitingly unique businesses, hobbies or organizations to pile on top of an awesome app. Take a look at these users, who’s apps show…
Yapp make a great tool for eclectic events, showcasing different people and different activities all in one convenient place. We’ve had all sorts of festivals create one-time apps, but these three have made us a part of their yearly routine.…
What better way to keep your most loyal fans feeling like they’re a part of the inner circle than to create an app just for them? We’ve seen great Yapps for tons of different groups big and small, and these…
This week is Small Business Week, and what better way to highlight innovative small businesses than to shout out some of their apps? We’ve featured some small biz Yappers before, but we’ve seen many new small business apps pop up…
Summer camps usually bring to mind canoes, climbing walls and bugle wake up calls. These Yappers have taken correspondence to a new level with free apps for all types of education-centric camps. The Confident Kids Camp is a therapy camp…
Few things boost a blah day like an email from your favorite shop offering you a good sale. But waking up in the morning to a inbox filled with product emails from the stores can have the opposite effect. Some…