Yapper Mondays: Brimming with Cool Ideas

All of our Yapps are made with creativity and inspiration in mind. Some of our users have excitingly unique businesses, hobbies or organizations to pile on top of an awesome app. Take a look at these users, who’s apps show off their cool ideas.

Have a cool idea of your own? Let us know! http://bit.ly/yappback

This Yapp, created by Sunlight Yoga, features poses and information about chair yoga — a portable yoga workout for sitters from offices to airplanes.

More refined than your old college bro crashing on your couch, the DCCS Couch Crash is one of a variety of events from Couchsurfing users. The local groups invite people from all over to crash out their couches and enjoy their great cities.

SquishTalks specializes in the art of conversation with workshops and consultations about becoming a comfortable conversationalist. The group also made an app for it’s summit specializing in improving attendees in depth conversations.

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