5 Apps for the Best Mom in the World

happy mother's day!

To all the moms, today we salute you. Happy Mother’s Day!

Whether you’re loading mom’s new smartphone or tablet before wrapping it up or want to add a few tech-savvy gifts to the mix, check out these 5 apps perfect for any mom.


SnapchatThere’s more to Snapchat than weird photo messages with your friends. Install the app on mom’s phone, give her a little tutorial, then keep in touch regularly with quick snapshots of your life and of hers. Plenty of opportunities for good pictures of the family snoozing in the sink.

Snapchat is free on iOS and Android.




Mom shares her Netflix with you, the least you can do is get her the Netflix for books. A monthly subscription is about $10 and with the free app, you can read an unlimited number of books per month.

Oyster is free on iOS with a subscription.



BeautifiedDon’t get up, Mom. Really. Use Beautified to schedule a spa day from your phone. Massages, facials, and all other spa specialties are available to book through the app. You can also invite others to join you, in case she’s feeling especially mothering and wants you to come along.

Beautified is available free on iOS.




If Snapchat isn’t your speed or you know mom will want to treasure your photo and video messages, try Chatwala. Send her video messages and when she receives them, she can send video reactions and replies. Keep the conversation going for as long as you’d like, on your own time, while still getting to see her best-mom-ever face!

Chatwala is available for iOS and Android.



HeadspaceModern day relaxation and meditation isn’t easy to achieve, but if anyone needs it, it’s moms. Headspace gives you different guided meditations to clear, yep, your headspace. Have her tune in to the headspace podcast and get some zen programmed into her day.

Headspace is available free for Android.



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