Tips & Tricks: Notifications Keep Your Users Engaged

The fun doesn’t stop after you’ve created and shared your Yapp. Now that you have people using it, keep them coming back for more!



Use the News Feed page to send out announcements throughout your use of the app, from “The keynote starts in 5 minutes!” to “There are 3 grab bags left at the door — come and get them!”

People have also made the News Feed into a collaborative game page. Want to have a scavenger hunt? Send out clues via News Feed push notification and have players respond either with a statement or photo in response within the app.

By filling your app with information beyond what they could get in a paper program. Include links, collaborative photo and text pages, use push notifications, and post poll questions, the app becomes a more fun and functional necessity. Plus, if you keep a laptop or tablet handy, you can edit and refresh pages throughout the day. Using this as a way to reveal speakers, information, or schedule events is a great way to make people check page; you can also add links to download the slideshows after presentations are finished!

If you’re looking for a page purley for Announcements, we have a premium admin-only news feed available. Just send us an email if you’re interested!

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