How to Sell Your Boss on an Event App by Yapp

You researched the right features and app providers and you’re ready to take your next event mobile with Yapp. But now are you worried about how to convince your boss and other colleagues? We have you covered!

We’ve built a fully customizable PowerPoint: Why a Mobile Event App by Yapp (PPT). Download it, make quick edits and you’ll have everything you need to convince your boss!

Download & Edit the PPT

This How to Sell Your Boss on an Event App by Yapp PPT has 3 main components:

1) Statistics, 2) Attendee benefits, 3) Alignment with business goals

  1. Show them the facts: Start off with some statistics that show the benefits of an event app. Show that attendees are on mobile and your event needs to be there too!
  2. Highlight the benefits for attendees: Attendees are the center of your event so it’s important that a mobile app is going to help Mobile event apps help inform and engage attendees so their event experience is enhanced.
  3. Make a connection with their goals: Put yourself in your boss or colleague’s shoes – what does he/she care most about? What is his/her business priorities and goals? Depending on what their role and department is, here are what some priorities could be:
  • CEO – Show off the numbers. What will the ROI be from the event app and how will it help improve the overall event performance?
  • Marketing or Communications Head – Keeping up with trends and communicating efficiently are important to marketers. A mobile event app is perfect for both!
  • Board of Directors – Your board’s focus is on engaging members of your nonprofit community to ensure growing membership base. A mobile event app will help members feel more connected to the mission, get more out of the event and hence motivate them to continue to stay part of the community.
  • CTO – With so many priorities and business requirements, the CTO will be happy to hear that 0 tech resources are needed to get a mobile event app with Yapp. Plus, don’t forge to highlight the 3 privacy settings that allow for top notch security.

Here is everything you need to convince your boss on Yapp: A fully customizable PowerPoint: Why a Mobile Event App by Yapp (PPT).

Need help customizing these assets? Email us at and we’ll be happy to help!

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