Yapper Mondays: Music to our Ears

What better way to keep your most loyal fans feeling like they’re a part of the inner circle than to create an app just for them? We’ve seen great Yapps for tons of different groups big and small, and these two UK bands (and one nearby music fest!) are joining the ranks.

The Vaccines are an English indie rock band using their Yapp to showcase band pictures, Twitter updates, and touring schedules.

Another band from across the pond, Stakeout is using Yapp for their upcoming Young and Fearless tour, starting at the end of July. They’re also using Twitter updates, but have band info and a gallery of photos for fans.

FAB Fridays in Brooklyn take place weekly, but last week’s 5 hour music festival sponsored by the Brooklyn Academy of Music and the Fulton Business Alliance celebrated the kick off of summer. The concert was a part of Make Music New York, a city-wide festival happening in all the city’s boroughs.

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