What the Tech?! Healthkit

UPDATE: Apple just announced Healthkit (not Healthbook, as was rumored) as part of it’s iOS 8 update. Check out more updates on iOS 8 on our blog!



A feature of the upcoming iOS 8 that can measure and keep track of a variety of health information. Healthkit — previously codenamed Healthbook  — is a native iOS app that works with all of the built in sensors to give you a full report of your health. It is the flagship feature of the iOS 8 release, which might be released at the company’s WWDC developer conference next month.

The app will be able to track blood pressure, hydration levels, heart rate and potentially glucose levels to provide a comprehensive health check-in for times between doctor check-ups. Each function is represented by a card which can be customized and organized depending on what’s important to you. While there are tons of apps out there that you can use to measure what you eat, how much activity you get, and your general health, Healthkit will be able to store all of those things in one place.

One of the coolest features of Healthkit that hasn’t saturated the health app market yet is the ability to measure blood sugar, oxygen and (it is rumored) alcohol levels. Millions of people live with Type 1 and 2 diabetes, and Apple’s jump into the glucose-monitoring market could provide a much more streamlined and simple way to keep track of blood sugar levels.

Along with a lot of cool health trackers, Healthkit will also have an emergency card where you can set all of your pertinent information, store emergency contacts, and set alerts for medications. In the future, the Healthkitproject could sync with other wearables, like the rumored iWatch, and will probably connect to already established health apps so that none of your history is lost.

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