11 Best Blogs to Follow About Mobile

Mobile Blogs

There are a ton of great blogs to follow for all things mobile. We spend a ton of time reading a ton of different blogs to keep up on the trends and movements in the mobile world. Some, you get tired of. This list is full of blogs we come back to and love to read every day, and are ranked in no particular order. Let us know in the comments if there’s one we’re missing!

It’s a great blog for all things tech, but their mobile section (linked above) is a great mix of reviews, business, features, and discussions. They also have a quality team of live bloggers for big events like the iPhone unveilings and other tech-world events.

Engadget is another great all-around tech blog. You can check out hands-on demonstrations, previews and reviews of apps and gear, plus how-to guides to some of your favorite apps. Anywhere your apps go, Engadget is there to contextualize them.

Every story they publish makes your life a little easier. As for apps, LifeHacker is the friend who downloads everything, tests it out for you, then gives you good/bad/ugly rundown.

Wired focuses a lot on design and visual aspects of tech. They’ll take you behind the scenes of the interface of your favorite apps and the companies behind them. It makes for a good place to start reading about apps and end up looking at stunning photos of space.

An everything you need to know guide to, well, everything you need to know about mobile. Tablets, phones, apps, and other connected gadgets are all here. Get the latest news, reviews, and user guides. Plus, they have great Top 10 lists and posts comparing different new phones and tablets on the market.

There’s a little bit of everything on Mashable. Breaking news, tech reviews, app lists, and general features. It’s the perfect spot to spend a bit of your lunch break, catching up on a little bit of everything.

If you’re looking for statistics, Flurry is the go-to. They don’t update their blog every day, but whenever a study is released about the mobile app stats, they give great summaries of the information.

Their mobile channel is another informative news feed with information about mobile carriers, mobile devices, and mobile apps.

All the latest on apps for your phone, tablet, TV, or gaming console. Plus, top charts, reviews of apps, and a daily list of apps gone free.

From NPR, all tech considered is just that. Catch high-level technology news about the web, apps, and the mobile culture. There’s also a technology podcast you can stream for extra tidbits. And, an adorable robot icon that is impossible not to love.

You’ve already got this one down. Yapp blogs all mobile, all the time. From featuring our favorite apps to breaking down buzzy tech words, showcasing our Yappers and reimagining the app world, there’s a little bit of everything on our blog. Get our posts in your inbox once a week by subscribing in the box up and to the right ^.

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