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Luke Melia

App Creation Explosion

This is a post by our CEO, Maria Seidman, based on a burst talk she gave at xconomy  mobile in NY I am not a technologist.  English was more my thing in college so that is why I’ll start with…

Curtains Up! Yapp Launches

We’re excited to introduce the world to Yapp today. We’ve been working hard creating a simple, intuitive, and fast tool to let anyone create a mobile app. It’s a pleasure to remove our beta signup page (though we’ll miss the…

Product Update: Custom Yapp IDs

You’ve been sending us your feature requests, and we’ve been listening! We’re making your Yapps even easier to share. Now, you can customize your event ID for $5 and keep this ID for a year, with an option to renew.…

Yapp in Martha Stewart Weddings

Smart phones are making it easier than ever for your guests to connect with one another. Consider suggesting one or all of these apps to help your nearest and dearest come together before—and after—the big day itself. –Martha Stewart Weddings…