Tag apps

Image and Text: Help Us Build It!

We’re running a crowdfunding campaign in hopes of funding four template pages to add to the Yapp platform. All four are pages you’ve asked for that we’re excited to see on Yapp. Each week of the campaign, we’ll be featuring one of…

What the Tech?! Android L

Android L, n; Google’s forthcoming update to the Android operating system, which includes a new design that will run universally on all Android devices. Google introduced Android L — still code-named pending it’s dessert-themed name — at last week’s I/O developer…

What the Tech?! Google I/O

Google I/O, n; Google’s annual developer conference focusing on the advances in the company’s softwares and devices. The “I” stands for input and the “O” stands for output. It is a conference similar in spirit to Apple’s Worldwide Developer Conference, both…

What the Tech?! Lenticular Display

Lenticular display, n; A screen coated with lenticular film, which displays two sets of the same image to produce a 3D effect on the human eye. Lenticular displays are the key to glasses-free 3D displays, including the rumored upcoming Amazon Phone.…

What the Tech?! iOS 8

iOS 8, n; Apple’s newest operating system, which features a variety of competitive new features. The upgrade was unveiled after much speculation at Monday’s keynote presentation during the Worldwide Developers Conference, an annual event that Apple sponsors to showcase developer technologies.…

5 Apps for Surviving Post-Grad Life

You know what that stock photo means…it’s graduation season. As college grads flock into the real world, one thing stays constant: their smartphone. So toss your caps and download these apps to survive the start of your post-grad life.

What the Tech?! Healthkit

UPDATE: Apple just announced Healthkit (not Healthbook, as was rumored) as part of it’s iOS 8 update. Check out more updates on iOS 8 on our blog! Healthkit, n; A feature of the upcoming iOS 8 that can measure and keep track of a…

What the Tech?! Nymi

An ID band that opens doors to, well, everything. Nymi, n; A new wearable device that uses your heartbeat to verify your identity. Nymi creates a password from your unique cardio signals, which are only a bit less secure than our…