Category Mobile Technology

What the Tech?! The Internet of Things

It’s the hot topic at CES 2014. But what exactly is the “Internet of Things”?   Internet of Things, n; The basic interconnected-ness of objects through the wireless Internet. So, being able to control things (and things being able to control themselves)…

What the Tech?! Square Cash

It’s New Year’s Eve, and parties abound. If you’re heading out with your best friend of yours who never carries cash (even when you remind them a million times about the door cover or cash-only bar), get acquainted with your new best…

What the Tech?! Android Launchers

Android Launcher, noun; Technically, it’s the homescreen of an Android phone. There are launchers built into an Android phone’s code (which is why each manufacturer can sell its own look), but there are also apps that let users customize the look…

App Creation Explosion

This is a post by our CEO, Maria Seidman, based on a burst talk she gave at xconomy  mobile in NY I am not a technologist.  English was more my thing in college so that is why I’ll start with…

Feature Friday: Apps for Social Good

It’s Feature Friday, and in honor of International Day of Peace, we are celebrating apps for Social Good. Here are our top five picks! GoodGuide: scan an item’s barcode to quickly learn about its health, environment and social responsibility ratings.…

Feature Friday: Event Apps

It’s Feature Friday and this week, we are are highlighting websites that make event planning all the more easy—besides Yapp, of course! Mindnode: in the early stages of your event, this will help you organize your thoughts and ideas in…